2022 m. liepos 2 d., šeštadienis


An important question one should ask before any endeavor into the occult should be “ what is my goal? “. Are you looking to explore inner aspects of yourself? Elicit some change in the objective reality that surrounds you via magical means? Perhaps something more in line with what would be considered a mainstream religious approach by aligning yourself with a higher power, manifesting their desires in this world and following the dictates laid out for you by said power?

While all of the above mentioned are valid reasons in and of themselves, the Satanic Front concerns itself with understanding the figure known as the Devil, his many faces and personalities and what his true will is.

The Devil is a mysterious figure who can only be truly understood through firsthand experience by those who are naturally of a different breed than the bulk of humanity, those of a predatory nature who find themselves forever on the peripheries of society. We believe a holistic approach works best in pursuit of this goal.

And example of this approach would be an order such as the Jesuits, who believe in the imitation of christ, finding god in all things as a direct route to communion and committing all actions to the greater glory of god. We find this approach to be extremely potent and beneficial when applied to the pursuit of Satan’s kingdom and Demonic apotheosis.

The first step in the imitation of Satan would be to fall as he did, to fall away from all sense of normality within the human existence we find ourselves in. we must fall to the very darkest of depths within our minds and spirits, we must strip away and burn what remains of our worthless and weak humanity in the black flame of our Lord, only then is it possible to begin re-building ones self in the likeness of Satan and the Demonic.

Finding a template to extrapolate from within a Nazarene white light order such as the Jesuits is a perfect example of finding Satan in all things, understanding his foul corruption is limitless and has the power to pervert all things for his own ends.

All actions being committed to the greater glory of the Devil is a given as we carry his banner on our road to his kingdom. We serve as his agents of terror in this world and at the same time feed ourselves on the pain and horror of the humanity we have chosen to separate ourselves from. Every transgression against humanity at large brings us closer to Satan and furthers our transformation into the Demonic, rewarding us with greater and greater power to accomplish the orders of the Devil and expand his kingdom.

This is an extremely streamlined and brief synopsis of the spiritual aims of the Satanic Front, but gives you dear reader a glimpse into our “ heart of darkness” as it were. if this is in line with your own pursuits and you would like to be part of something bigger than yourself, to explore the darkest recesses of your soul, to establish the foundation of your existence in the bedrock of the Nightside then send us a message and start the journey toward HIS kingdom.
Source - https://www.thesatanicfront.com/post/symbiosis?fbclid=IwAR1FDOngj8YFJKpcI3-0ZTaI8zdpmlpZmBBi5X5xam1lVzxDtsUt8xxUIZs

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